Attention, c'est peut être le moment de stocker des pièces

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Attention, c'est peut être le moment de stocker des pièces

Message par webmaster » 20 Juil 2009, 21:50

Message reçu de John. Outre atlantique, les blocs moteurs , comme les pompes à huile et les carters de boîte commencent à se faire rares (pas mal de blocs gelés) et ne sont pas refabriqués. John se disait en regardant les photos de tracteurs dans les ronces que c'est certainement dommage de laisser perdre ces pièces

avis aux amateurs... et si vous avez des idées ...

Just been on the YTforum site and they are always wanting Cylinder Blocks out there, I suppose it because of the cold weather they get and not using enough anti-freeze, anyway I thought about those pictures you sent last week and all those wrecked FERGUSON tractors. I think that someone should collect as many cylinder blocks and heads as they can Petrol and Diesels and TVO and they could possibly make a "killing" with them, they are always being requested, here in UK, in USA in Scandinavia too, even Australia....I know shipping would cost quite a lot but maybe cheaper than scrapping the tractor, may be worth thinking about anyway, Let me know what you think, there is a demand for them and Hydraulic Pump Bases too as no-one makes them anymore.


PS And the odd Gearbox housing too as some of them are now corroding badly being made of Aluminium type "Electron" again Petrol and Diesel types, they will be needed.
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Message(s) : 1358150
Inscription : 15 Déc 2004, 17:39
Localisation : PARTOUT ;-) Tracteur : ex : TEF20 1957 new : MF 235 1978 & MCormick 326D 1965

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